Stefano Lo Russo
Sono nato il 15 ottobre 1975, da ottobre del 2021 sono il Sindaco di Torino e della Città Metropolitana, città in cui sono nato, cresciuto e vivo tuttora, nel quartiere di Santa Rita.
Sono geologo e professore ordinario di Geologia Applicata al Politecnico di Torino e mi sono sempre occupato di acque, ambiente ed energia.
Ho iniziato il mio percorso politico nel 2006 quando, a trent’anni, sono stato eletto in Consiglio Comunale nella lista dell’Ulivo. Rieletto nel 2011 nella lista del PD, ho ricoperto prima il ruolo di capogruppo in Consiglio Comunale e poi l’incarico di Assessore all’Urbanistica. Eletto anche nel 2016 sono stato il capogruppo del PD fino al 2021 quando sono stato eletto Sindaco alla guida di una coalizione di centrosinistra.
Stefano LO RUSSO Ph.D., was born in Torino (Italy) on October 15th, 1975. He was the Mayor of Torino and the Metropolitan City since October 2021.
He was elected the first time in the municipal Council in 2006. Re-elected in 2011, he was the leader of the Democratic Party in the Council until 2013, when he became Deputy Mayor for the urban planning.
Elected again in 2016 he was the leader of Democratic Party in the Council until October 2021, when he was elected Mayor.
Geologist, he is Professor of Engineering geology at Politecnico di Torino.
Graduated cum laude in Geological Sciences in 1999 he holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Politecnico di Torino in 2004. He was Assistant Professor from 2007 until 2014 and Associate Professor from 2014 until 2017.
His scientific activity focuses mainly on (ground)water, environment and energy.
He is Co-Editor of Geofluids (Hindawi-Wiley) and member of the Editorial Board of Environmental Earth Sciences (Springer).
Co-founder and board member of EST (Energy Security and Transition Lab) at the Energy Center of Politecnico di Torino. He is member of the IAH (International Association of Hydrogeologists), EGU (European Geosciences Union), AIGA (Italian Association of Applied Geology).
Visiting Professor at MGIMO University (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Visiting Professor at Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Visiting Professor at Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Invited Distinguished Lecturer at the University of Queensland (Brisbane, QLD, Australia)
Visiting Scholar at the NCGRT – National Center for Groundwater Research and Training and Flinders University (Adelaide, South Australia)